The idea behind a plan is to give meaning so it must be common to everyone who plans to conduct it and promote it in all its forms. The staff in charge of teaching at IFPP Ecole d’Assas is devoted to building training and driving its success.
We strive to encourage students to adapt theory and practical knowledge, behaviour, speech and everything involved in building professional skills to suit them. We also aim to train podiatrists who are capable of evolving their professional methods. We must also ensure that the patient is guaranteed to be treated by confident, competent, attentive and responsible professionals.
The keyword at the Training Centre is “vocational training”.
Teaching is designed to boost the student’s vocational training so courses focus on encouraging independence to enable students to work in accordance with the clinic’s regulations, healthcare figures being able to build a reflective treatment process based on the patient’s expectations, best practices and professional ethics.
The fundamental values of professional knowledge are implemented by specific training so students can make them their own and apply them in the clinic rather than simply providing content.
Skills are addressed both in lectures and in small group discussions to encourage problem-solving which involves identifying and imagining a situation by drawing on different areas of knowledge.
The plan is to train students to treat and be responsible for the patient in their care, learn technical gestures in clinical training and make podiatry equipment in relation to theory learning. Work experience is vital to the student’s commitment to learning. The podiatry training plan enables the student to build their own career plan. For the course to succeed, it is important to consider the variety of backgrounds of students coming to train and guide them in building their professional persona throughout the learning process.
Training aims to boost students’ motivation. Contact with teachers and coaches and varied professional experiences is a way to introduce students to different sectors and build their own professional framework essential to their career plan. With the many different teachers to talk to and the introduction of professional values and methods, students realise their own values and create their professional identity.
The teacher-student relationship is vital to the course as it means the student gets more support in terms of understanding the job criteria. Work in small groups is used as much as possible.
The focus is on meeting other healthcare professionals during placements with professionals or hospitals and in specialist centres to build professional relationships for their future career.
Students can also take part in two major projects with the UEO (optional module). ASSAS DIABET (diabetes) and ASSAS SEP (multiple sclerosis) are training days whereby treatment, equipment and podiatry education workshops are conducted by students and enable them to gain additional knowledge and specific qualifications.
To sum up, training is built around 3 figures: the student/patient/teacher. The course also adapts to public health campaigns and includes them in the lessons to ensure training is in line with current podiatry.